modsecur micro datacenter

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DRCN implements ModSecur Micro Datacenter

The short implementation period of the solution, the small space and the energy efficiency were the decisive factors that led the Regional Directorate for Culture of the North (DRCN) to implement the ModSecur Micro Datacenter. The DRCN belongs to the Ministry of Culture of Portugal that has, among other responsibilities, to issue opinions on works and interventions in properties of heritage... read more

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CRPG implements ModSecur Micro Datacenter as core infrastructure

Gaia Professional Rehabilitation Center (CRPG) felt the need to increase the security of its technological infrastructure and the choice was the ModSecur Micro Datacenter powered by Maxiglobal. CRPG was founded 30 years ago with the aim of rehabilitating and reintegrating people with functional diversity associated with disabilities into working life. It provides an integrated and personalized set of services within the... read more

ModSecur Micro Datacenter Read more

ModSecur Micro Data Center implemented at Simoldes in Poland

Our ModSecur Micro Datacenter was implemented in Poland, at the new factory of Simoldes Plastics, a global leader in molds for car manufacturers. The compactness, modularity and robustness of the solution allowed it to be sent to the site previously assembled and ready to be interconnected with the communication and energy infrastructures and with the outdoor cooling units. In just over... read more