Whistleblowing channel

Maxiglobal undertakes to implement all the rules and ethical principles it considers essential to carry out its activity without breaking any rules and without causing damage to third parties. This whistleblower channel targets the situations established in Law No. 93/2021.

Maxiglobal does not condone any acts of mobbing, embezzlement or unethical behavior. Therefore, it undertakes to act quickly and appropriately whenever any of these conducts is reported.

The reporting of situations that fit the behaviors described above is an important tool for detecting, punishing and preventing inappropriate conduct. Therefore, Maxiglobal, following the principles of transparency and ethics that characterize it, makes available to all individual or collective entities (clients, suppliers, employees and other stakeholders) this channel.

This channel allows direct and confidential transmission of any less lawful practice.

The treatment of each complaint is confidential and the treatment of the information provided in each complaint complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Maxiglobal undertakes to deal with all cases, whenever the situation needs it, to institute the appropriate sanctions.

Below are the principles that guide Maxiglobal’s whistleblower channel:

  • safe submission and follow-up of complaints, ensuring the completeness, integrity and preservation of the complaint;
  • safeguarding the confidentiality of the whistleblower’s identity or of third parties mentioned in the complaint;
  • anonymity of whistleblowers;
  • absence of retaliation;
  • independent management (although not necessarily external);
  • guarantee of follow-up of complaints presented within the legal deadlines.

Due to the importance that this channel represents, Maxiglobal encourages its stakeholders to report all inappropriate behavior. It further informs that, in no case, the exercise of this right will result in reprisals for the complaining party. However, Maxiglobal will not tolerate the abusive use of this channel. Any fraudulent use will be sanctioned.

Submission of complaints

Email (can be anonymous)

[email protected]

Alternatively, you can report the situation by filling out the following form. If there are documents or witnesses, please indicate them, so that the person responsible for the process can have access to them. You can upload files at the end of the form.