municipality of fafe

modsecur micro data center Read more

Fafe Municipality implements new ModSecur data center

ModSecur Micro Datacenter, designed and implemented by Maxiglobal, was the choice of the Fafe Municipality to restructure its technological infrastructure. The new data center implemented in Fafe meets all the requirements of the City. “The solution we chose offers us physical security and features redundancy of essential components. In addition, it is equipped with a monitoring and alarm system, which is... read more

data center fafe Read more

Municipality of Fafe implements ModSecur Micro Datacenter as main infrastructure

ModSecur Micro Datacenter was the choice of the Municipality of Fafe to restructure its technological infrastructure. The new data center implemented in the Municipality of Fafe meets all the requirements of the city. “The solution we chose offers us physical security and features redundancy of essential components. In addition, it is equipped with a monitoring and alarm system, which is very important... read more